Electric Shock Turned Schoolboy Into Living Magnet Claim

Pic shows: Schoolboy Nikolai Kryaglyachenko who was almost killed when he was knocked out by a massive electrical shock claims he now has superpowers like those of Marvel’s Magneto. A schoolboy who was almost killed when he was knocked out by a massive electrical shock from a loose wire on a street lamp claims he now has superpowers like those of Marvel’s Magneto. Nikolai Kryaglyachenko, 12, had been walking home after school when he lent briefly against the lamppost that was live from a faulty wire, and was blasted across the pavement. He said: “When I came round I felt groggy but managed to get home and told my mum what had happened. When I woke up the next day and got out of bed I found some coins that had been lying on the mattress had stuck to my body. Then when I was having breakfast and dropped my spoon, it stuck to my chest.” He said he was a keen fan of comics and, believing that maybe he had developed some sort of super magnetic power to attract metal like Magneto, had decided to put it to the test. He said: “I can do things I couldn’t do before but I don’t have a lot of control over it. Even when I do not want to do it, I still attract things. Once I even attracted a glass – it just moved towards me.” Nikolai added that he has now decided instead of a fireman he wants to be a superhero when he is older, saying that he would want to do something that helped people, and the job would certainly fulfil that role. He has also found himself one of the most popular boys at school with many of his classmates asking him to demonstrate his superpowers, and Nikolai even claims that he seems to be able to share his power. According to his classmates, he can influence others so that other people turn into live magnets as well. Nikolai’s classmate, Vika Balandina, said: “I could even hang a ladle on my nose.” Stories about “living magnets” began to appear at least in the middle of the 19th century. In 2004, the story of a Russian factory worker Leonid Tenkaev

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