The Tobacconist – Robert Seethaler

"He closed his eyes and heard himself make a gurgling sound. And as his trousers slipped down his legs all the burdens of his life to date seemed to fall away from him; he tipped back his head and faced up into the darkness beneath the ceiling, and for one blessed moment he felt as if he could understand the things of this world in all their immeasurable beauty. How strange they are, he thought, life and all of these things. Then he felt Anezka slide down before him to the floor, felt her hands grab his naked buttocks and draw him to her. “Come, sonny boy!” he heard her whisper, and with a smile he let go". (Acquista il libro su Amazon)

Questa immagine è stata utilizzata nell'articolo "Il peggior sesso nei romanzi? Per l’Italia c’è Erri De Luca - L'autore italiano è tra i sei finalisti del Bad Sex in Fiction Award. Ma ammettiamolo: è difficile rendere in maniera credibile il sesso nei libri ".

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